The Praxis Blog

Top 100 Praxis Blog Posts

Written by Admin | Sep 7, 2018 4:47:54 PM

Did you know the Praxis blog hosts over 1,000 posts? In honor of 5 years of content creation, we compiled a list of the top 100 articles that have been published since the Praxis website launched!


  1. You Were Born an Entrepreneur
  2. Spontaneous Order and What it Means For Education And Entrepreneurship
  3. I Want to be an Entrepreneur But I Don’t Have a Big Idea- Now What?
  4. 4 Reasons to Work at a Company Before Starting Your Own
  5. The Student vs. the Entrepreneur Approach to Professional Learning
  6. Two Questions and a Challenge for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
  7. What my High School Teacher Taught me About Entrepreneurship (And Business Classes)
  8. 3 Short Videos Young Entrepreneurs Should Watch Right Now
  9. How this Entrepreneur Almost Talked Himself Out of Success (And Why He’s Glad He Didn’t)
  10. You Don’t Know What Entrepreneurship is Really Like
  11. Apprenticeship

  12. Dear Future Apprentice: Insight from a Praxis Business Partner
  13. 21 Ways to Launch Your Career as a Teen
  14. 4 Tips to Accelerate Your Apprenticeship Experience
  15. Show Your Hustle
  16. Don’t Apologize For Flipping Burgers
  17. Why You Shouldn’t Stress About Your First Job
  18. Don’t Be Prepared: Why the Best Learn to the Task, Not the Test
  19. Get Your Foot in the Door at the Job First
  20. A Complete Guide to Building Your Career Using Free Work
  21. Developing the Proper Attitude Toward Feedback
  22. Tech

  23. Why Non-Tech People Should Work In Tech Startups
  24. 5 Skills I Acquired Working at a Tech Startup
  25. The Magic of Building Your Own
  26. How to Get Your Github Profile Ready for Job Applications
  27. High School Student Skips College, Gets a Job at a Tech Startup
  28. Your Smartphone is Worth $1 Million
  29. Interview With Entrepreneur Ian Vanhover of Rocket
  30. Will ‘Big Data’ Make Degrees Less Relevant?
  31. We Don’t Know What the Next Big Thing is (And That’s Okay)
  32. What You’ll Be Doing in 20 Years Doesn’t Exist Yet
  33. Career Prep

  34. Top 10 Ways to Love Your Job (No Matter What You Do)
  35. How to Make Your Opinions Heard in the Workplace
  36. 10 Ways to Build Your Personal Brand
  37. How to Set Goals and Achieve Them
  38. Praxis Resources on Interviewing
  39. If You’re Doing it Right, Your Job Will Never Be Enough
  40. Celebrate After You Finish the Job
  41. Are You an Employee, an Entrepreneur, or an Entrepreneurial Employee?
  42. 5 Ways to Improve Your Resume
  43. Your Lack of Income Can Be an Asset
  44. Why You Should Work for Free
  45. Praxis Info

  46. Are Praxis Participants Interns?
  47. What Kinds of Companies are Praxis Business Partners?
  48. Can Praxis Still Help Me If I Am More Interested In Arts Than Business?
  49. Now Is the Time
  50. Radically Practical: Praxis in Two Words
  51. What We’ve Learned in the First Five Years of Praxis
  52. What Startups Partner With Praxis?
  53. Top 10 FREE Praxis Resources
  54. Praxis Warning Label
  55. Praxis Talent Profile Breakdown
  56. Critical Thinking

  57. Top 10 Ways to Develop Personal Freedom as a Young Adult
  58. Exercise Your Brain Like A Muscle
  59. The Danger of Labels
  60. 5 Mindsets That Will Derail Your Success Before It Begins
  61. In Your Daily Routine, Are You Making Room For Thought?
  62. Embarrasment: the Price You’ll Pay for Personal Growth
  63. Three Questions to Ask Yourself Every Day
  64. How to Think About Risk
  65. Is ‘Follow Your Passion’ Good Advice or Cheesy Claptrap?
  66. Growing a Thick Skin
  67. Discipline

  68. What is Willpower and How Should You Use It?
  69. How to Get Work Done: A Primer
  70. Monday Morning Begins on Sunday Evening
  71. How to Make Your Reading More Productive
  72. How to Work Weekeends Without Burning Out
  73. Excuses We Give Ourselves for Inaction and How to Respond
  74. Do Hard Stuff
  75. When to Stick With Something Hard and When to Quit
  76. You Could Have Tried Harder: Thinking Differently About Effort and Responsibility
  77. Lessons from Sports on Work and High Performance
  78. Motivation

  79. What I Do When I Feel Too Tired To Create
  80. Dream Big, Think Small
  81. Turn Defeat Into a Growth Story
  82. Tiny, Ridiculous Challenges Work Better For Me Than Big Goals
  83. 3 Reasons to be More Ambitious
  84. Fear is Not the Problem. Avoiding It Is.
  85. Be Your Own Movement
  86. The Sleep In Your Car Test
  87. When Is a Good Time to Start?
  88. Just Jump In And Make The Move
  89. College

  90. 5 Reasons to Rethink College
  91. 2 MORE Reasons not to Go to College
  92. How College Made You Hate Learning
  93. Free College is Too Expensive
  94. Yes, Your College Debt Is Unfair… But It’s Not Too Late
  95. Forget the Degree, Build a Bigger Signal
  96. College is Obsolete. Why I Jumped Into Something Better
  97. Recently Graduated College and Jobless? Four Mistakes You Made
  98. You Don’t Need to Get a Second Degree. Here’s What to Do Instead
  99. Dropouts and Opt-Outs: Wilbur and Orville Wright
  100. Homeschool

  101. Homeschooling: a Few of Our Favorite Things
  102. Our Favorite Homeschool Articles (And Why You Should Read Them)
  103. 5 Reasons Homeschooling is Like Entrepreneurship
  104. Advice to High Schoolers: Build Your Paper Trail
  105. Professionals Are Just Now Discovering What Professionals Have Known For Decades
  106. Why Homeschoolers Should Stop Trying tto Get Into College
  107. 5 Signs You Might be Too Good For College
  108. Dear Concerned Parents
  109. Aren’t You a Little Young? An Apology for Ambition
  110. The Future of Education