Short answer: it’s pretty awesome.
Many of our business partners are located in major startup hubs like Atlanta, Pittsburgh, Austin, or San Francisco. That means participants often choose to pick up and move to take advantage of their best Praxis opportunities.
Some of our participants are moving for the first time, so naturally they (and their parents) can be nervous about what moving will bring. At the same time, participants and alumni consistently say moving is one of the most empowering parts of the program.
You won’t just find cool up-and-coming companies when you make your move. Praxis grads, participants, team members, or friends of the program scattered throughout the country can offer a support network for finding apartments and plugging into social life.
Throughout the moving process, we’re working to help you get the skills you need to create your own new networks, opportunities, and experiences outside of the program. Our one-on-one sessions often cover personal skills like negotiating, living with others, and building relationships.
By moving to business hubs, you’ll get the opportunity to grab coffee with investors, interview company founders, make friends with other startup employees, and join meetups on anything from travel to bitcoin to philosophy. You’ll meet amazing coworkers and encounter cultures – company, ethnic, artistic, or otherwise – that will challenge your ways of thinking and working.
While moving will give you a huge professional opportunity, we can’t underrate moving’s benefits for personal growth. You’ll get to experience life as an independent adult, maybe for the first time. You’ll learn how to manage your own financial life and social life. You’ll learn how to own your experiences and own your identity as an entrepreneurial young person.
All of these things will help you stand out in a world of delayed adulthood. And more than anything else, the grit and resourcefulness you’ll get from the adventure of moving will prepare you for a successful life post-program.
If you’d like to talk to a Praxis rep about relocating for Praxis, schedule a call! They’ll be able to help you understand the process, provide tips, and help you see whether the program is a good fit for you.