“What if I don’t know what I want to do for my career? Can I still participate in Praxis?”
This is one of the most common questions we get from people interested in the program.
In fact, the majority of participants who do the program start off without that knowledge. The program is designed to help you discover and achieve the things that help you come alive, and by the end of the year, you’ll have a much clearer picture of what you want to do with your career.
The best path to discovering a career path that fires you up is to start creating projects and exploring your options.
One of our favorite metaphors for career development is learning to ride a bike. Imagine how challenging it would be to understand riding downhill on a bike by only reading about the experience. It’s much easier to start riding and just feel it for yourself.
Likewise, Joey Wickham didn’t understand that sales was about caring for people until he created a podcast and started interviewing real salespeople. Clark Davis discovered a passion for designing websites and marketing materials by working on a one page site. Morgan Von Gunten developed content creation and video production skills through creating a series of videos on interesting philosophy topics.
While these projects vary in scope and topic what they have in common is that they’re designed to help uncover and communicate the skills, interests, and talents that you aren’t even aware of yet through a fun and challenging process of creation.
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Our program doesn’t stop at helping you develop passion projects. We offer an immersive apprenticeship and coaching program that’s designed to align the passions you’ve uncovered through project based learning with a startup apprenticeship that gives you real world experience.
Participants have the opportunity to network with professionals and mentors all around the country and take on highly valuable professional projects at their business partners. You’ll learn far more about your ultimate career goals through our apprenticeship than you will at the majority of entry-level positions.
If you’re currently unsure about your career goals and are interested in the program, don’t worry. Praxis exists for you.