The Praxis Blog

August 2020 Class Introduction

Written by Admin | Aug 5, 2020 3:57:00 PM
Welcome the August class of Praxis Participants!

Caleb Daniel

Fun fact

Five years ago, I saw some people flying paramotors through some fields, twisting and diving through the air. It looked incredible, sitting in a harness suspended by some string tied to a fabric canopy; I was instantly obsessed. Years later, I get to spend my free time doing the same, dragging my feet through the tops of corn stalks and floating over treetops.

What are you most excited about?

For the first time in a long time, I’m being encouraged to learn stuff that actually matters. Praxis has an unbelievable amount of information and resources, and I can’t wait to dive into all of it.

Ben Etzold

Fun fact

Going to the grocery store is one of my favorite parts of the day; I love cooking!

What are you most excited about?

I’m really excited to be learning with a group of people that are dedicated to growth. I can’t wait to see where we all are in a year.

Maddox Locher

Fun fact

I absolutely love swimming! I’ve been swimming competitively for the past 10 years!

What are you most excited about?

I’m so excited to meet many like-minded new individuals and to get out of my comfort zone! Also, I’m thrilled to use what I learn to eventually start and run my own business!

William Milonas

Fun fact

I have a natural born talent to make little kids smile.

What are you most excited about?

I’m most excited for learning how to sell myself and building valuable skills