I enjoy working on computers and with technology.
I am most excited about being able to learn the necessary skills to succeed and to gain practical experience on how to apply what I have learned in future business endeavors.
In high school I attempted to climb Mount Kilimanjaro but did not get to summit as I only had 50% oxygen in my body.
I’m most excited about developing a mindset that I can apply to any area of work I wish to.
I love Boise State college football because of their blue field.
I am most excited about seeing the results that are going to be coming from the program such as confidence and growth in myself.
I practice Jiu-Jitsu and often can’t control myself from telling people the entire history of the sport.
I’m most excited about learning real applicable skills–from communication to software and everything between. I’m also excited about exploring an entrepreneurial idea and gaining insight from everyone.
In my free time, I like to play and coach rugby.
What I’m most excited about the Praxis program is getting the hands-on experience for business and also the networking part of the program.
I love to learn. I like to think that there isn’t anything I can’t learn as long as I dedicate myself to it. If it’s reading books, watching YouTube videos (because come on, what can’t you learn from YouTube?) or simply observing others, learning new things gives me life & really makes way for my greatest goal in life: to live fully & love others excellently.
Upon first being introduced to Praxis, I saw it simply as an alternative to school. As I came to understand more of what the program had to offer, I saw it as an opportunity to hone in on legitimate skills that would be of value to an employer & myself for the rest of my life, in all of my endeavors. I am eager to utilize the many resources & receive from the many perspectives of those who have the success I am looking to create.
I was once an aspiring semi-professional cyclist! I had races every Tuesday during the summer and tried to ride 100+ miles a week. Unfortunately, I suffered from a cycling accident and am now turning my dedication from cycling to bowling!
I am most excited about learning what business is like in the modern world and building a great personal brand.